This is the history of the brutal massacre of

MARCELL HENDRIX-Sheriff of Greene County, Missouri.
WILEY MASHBURN-Deputy Sheriff on regular duty under Hendrix
OLLIE CROSSWHITE-Deputy Sheriff on special duty under Hendrix
TONY OLIVER -Chief of the Detective Bureau of the Springfield Municipal Police Department
SID MEADOWS -Detective assigned to criminal investigation under Oliver
CHARLIE HOUSER -Patrol Driver for the Police Department.

All of the above officers were killed in line of duty on the afternoon of January 2nd, 1932, at the Young Farm, southwest of Springfield, Missouri, when they visited the Young home in an endeavor to apprehend some of the Young Brothers who were wanted on Federal and State warrants for Automobile Thefts, Robberies and Murder.

The Springfield newspapermen who wrote the contents of this booklet waited until the turmoil and rage over this Nation's bloodiest Peace Officer maccascre<sic> had subsidded before they began little by little to piece this story and history together. Unhurried and calm they set about to reconstruct the crime exactly as it occurred insofar as the evidence would bear them out. Throughout the compilation of this book they have had the advice and help of the outstanding criminologists of the central United States.

In simple words they unfold the tragedy that left six wives and a score of children without a defender and bread earner; that shocked a whole nation of people, and bowed every head in the Ozarks Region with grief and humiliation.

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