The following day, while the Confederate generals planned their next move, the Confederate troops went about the tasks of battlefield victor's. This included the burying of dead bodies, gathering of abandoned supplies and equipment, and disposal of numerous dead horses littering the battlefield. One North Carolina lieutenant wrote home to his wife "Hundreds of horses were lying around, some not dead, some with legs shot off, trying to get up, moaning and crying like children begging for help." (General AP Hill  - The Story of a Confederate Warrior by James I Robertson Jr. Chp 6) That evening a violent thunderstorm rolled across the Virginia landscape and soaked the Confederate Army.

The next day, Sunday, June 29, Lee's Army set out in pursuit of McClellan. In what Lee hoped to be a trapping manuever on the moving Union Army, Longstreet and Hill's men were to head southeast, then northeast and attack the lead units of the retreating Union Army. Other units, including Jackson's corps, were to attack in other directions, with the intention of trapping McClellan. All day the troops moved as the temperatures grew hotter, and roads got dustier. At nine that evening, the combined forces finally stopped and rested, spending a second night under torrential downpours. Early the next morning, the march resumed.

That afternoon, after being under Union artillery fire for 2-1/2 hours, Lee gave up waiting on the once again tardy Jackson, and ordered Longstreet's men in the front to attack the Union forces in their front straddling the Long Bridge Road, near Frayser's Farm. Hill's men were placed in reserve. Outnumbered nearly two to one, Longstreet was facing Pennsylvania troops under General McCall, the same troops that had thrashed Hill's men so badly at Mechanicsville, and the nearly impregnable White Oak Swamp. The attack began at 5 pm and most of Hill's troops were placed into battle soon after. Only Anderson's brigade, including the 35th Georgia, was now being held in reserve. Even as dusk fell, the fight carried on savagely. Nearly dark, Hill turned to Anderson's Georgian's with the instructions to advance and make enough noise to fool the Yankee's into thinking they were a much larger force than they were. In the dark, the ruse worked. The Georgian's charged up the road holding their fire until they were within 70 paces of the enemy, and then, according to Hill "yelled like a tribe of Indian's" as they let loose their volley's. Within five minutes, all firing stopped and the Union Army was once again in retreat.

There would be one more large battle to take place, before the Union forces would begin to withdraw from the Virginia peninsula. At Malvern Hill, on July 1st, Lee attacked McClellan's forces, who held a nearly impregnable position. The Union Army easily beat off the attacking Confederate's, who suffered heavy casualties. Anderson's Georgian's were held in reserve, standing in formation in an open field directly in front of the hill. They were never called upon to engage the enemy.

Thus ended what would be known as the "Seven Days Campaign". The new Confederate Commander in Chief had successfully pushed McClellan effectively out of Virgina, but at a heavy cost to his Army. Many historian's classify the "Seven Day Campaign" as one constant campaign, culminating in nearly 28,000 casualties. If true, this would place it behind Gettysburg and Chickamauga, as the third bloodiest campaign of the Civil War. Anderson's third brigade alone had lost approx 62 men killed and over 300 wounded. Every division commander under Anderson had been wounded.

For the 35th Georgia, the first day had been their worst. At Mechanicsville, the only regiment to cross the creek, they had lost 18 killed and 61 wounded. According to UDC records, only 3 died and 13 more were wounded during the rest of the campaign. But, according to company rosters, at least 2 of the wounded had died within months of their wounds received at Gaines Mill.

Richmond National Battlefield

Peninsular Campaign

35th Georgia Index